Sunday, February 22, 2009


i'm embarrassed by looking into these pics because
i promise abg rem to do it asap but it take me nearly 3 months to
process these pics due to my heavy commitment

i will deliver this picture to abg rem because everything is settle.
to akeem and a'an
" dah bersunat ye korang"


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

akhirrrrrnya !!!lihatlah dunia...adik aku dah berjaya siapkan apa yang aku tunggu2 selama ini

disinari bulan

disinari bulan
gambar diambil pada 19 Julai 2008 jam 9.30 pm


a process that includes defining goals, establishing strategy, and developing plans to coordinate activities.

majlis aqiqah afeeq

majlis aqiqah afeeq